Say hello to community owned unlimited AI

Free, secure and tech agnostic generative AI. lets you choose from multiple LLM models for free

Our pillars of resistance

At, we're forging a path to technology liberation. Our mission? To bring generative AI to the masses, free from reliance on big tech.


All of our features are free for everyone. Harness the power of AI without breaking a sweat (or your wallet).


Store and analyse your documents, presentations, and digital media files for text conversion, summarisation, translation, and more.

Future Proof

We constantly review the latest Large Language Models and Open Source tools, deploying only the best to after testing.


We won't dictate which LLM you use or how you approach your work. You're free to choose from a selection of the latest LLMs or let handle the selection for you.

AI Agents

Leverage multiple AI agents that can work together to complete complex tasks and queries - including cross-referencing information across multiple websites and documents.


What sets apart from other AI platforms?
Icon stands out for its commitment to transparency and user empowerment. Unlike others that lock away powerful features behind paywalls, provides all capabilities at no cost to users. is a free platform that provides all its powerful features without requiring users to pay any fees or subscription costs.

Can I access's features offline?

Whilst has an offline capability can be run in a disconnected environment it requires certain hardware deployed in a certain way that doesn’t make it suitable for the home user but can be utilised by companies.,

How does generate new ideas and innovations?
Icon is driven by a community-led approach, focused on serving user needs and empowering them to unlock the full creative potential of generative AI. Users can vote up/down features or suggest new ones to shape the platform's future.

What new features have been released initially?

At launch, will have four GenAI Large Language Models available to use - Meta’s Llama3 (default choice), phi3 from Microsoft, Gemma from Google and Mistral.We will introduce new large language models and enhanced features weekly. The platform ensures full transparency by making all release plans available to the community.This allows users to stay informed, vote on upcoming features, and contribute suggestions, fostering a truly interactive and responsive AI development environment.Some of the features coming over the next few weeks will be:Vault: Store and analyse your documents, presentations, and digital media files for text conversion, summarisation, translation, and more.AI Agents: Leverage multiple AI agents that can work together to complete complex tasks and queries - including cross-referencing information across multiple websites and documents.Image Analysis: Upload an image and ask to describe what it's showing.Audio/Video Analysis: Upload audio or video files, and can convert them to text, summarise them, or provide a real-time description of what they're showing.

Cutting edge AI models, free and for the community

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